Fun Facts about Animals Fun Facts about Language It is illegal to ‘handle salmon in suspicious circumstances’ March 26, 2020
Fun Facts about Food Fun Facts about History The Ancient Romans ate edible dormouse in a pot March 22, 2020
Fun Facts about Food Technology From strawberry curry to chocolate Burrito, IBM’s A.I. chef finds unusual combinations that work March 22, 2020
Etymology Fun Facts about Health Fun Facts about History Fun Facts about Language Latest Why is it called quarantine? March 20, 2020
Fun Facts about Health Society Since Coronavirus, around 75,000 people have died from Malaria; a curable disease March 16, 2020
Society All whales and sturgeons found on the British coast are the property of the Crown March 14, 2020
Fun Facts about Animals Fun Facts about Science In Moscow stray dogs have learnt to use the underground March 10, 2020